Arguments can be made for both sides. Some people say that Vick has served his time. 18 months behind bars before spending the last two months in home confinement, he should be allowed to return to his profession if the opportunity is there. Others say that what Vick did is unforgivable and he deserves to be suspended by the NFL or possibly not even reinstated back into the league.
Dog fighting is cruel, inhumane and inexcusable. The stories that came out from what was taking place at Vick’s home were utterly disturbing. How could anybody do that to a living animal? How could the NFL’s highest-paid player, making $10 million per season, do such a thing as a hobby? What was he thinking? These are all questions I’m sure the Commish will ask Vick when they sit down.
Earlier this year, Goddell suspended Browns WR Donte Stallworth indefinitely without pay after he plead guilty to DUI manslaughter and was sentenced to just 30 days in jail. One would think that Vick would face at least the same type of treatment.

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